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Table 3 Summary of types of MEAs implemented in select countries

From: Expanding access to high-cost medicines under the Universal Health Coverage scheme in Thailand: review of current practices and recommendations


MEA used

Medicines reimbursed


The risk-sharing arrangement is captured through a legal deed of agreement (‘deed’) that is negotiated between the sponsor and the government. Some financial risk share arrangements can be class deeds where sponsors share the risk based on market share

A financial risk share was mentioned for 24 medicines in the most recent public summary documents


NHS and manufacturers have an agreement and one of the functions of CDF is managed access fund providing conditional funding for cancer medicines where uncertainty is addressed through data collection. Dominantly financial MEAs in form of discounts are used, but outcome-based MEA is also performed

England has approved 42 medicines since the introduction of the CDF

South Korea

Four types of MEAs: (i) coverage with additional evidence, (ii) expenditure cap refund, (iii) utilisation cap per patient and (iv) refund/expenditure cap

As of 2019, 39 medicines had been reimbursed under RSA

  1. CDF Cancer Drugs Fund, MEA Managed Entry Agreement, NHS National Health Service, RSA Risk Sharing Agreement