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Table 5 Personnel involved in MEs, stages of MEs and prevention of MEs in the emergency ward at UoGCSH

From: Medication error and associated factors among adults admitted to emergency ward at the university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital, North-West Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study, 2022

Personnel involved in MEs

Frequency (%)


194 (61.7)


133 (42.35)

 Patients or care givers

86 (27.39)


7 (2.23)

Stages of ME in the medication use process

Frequency (%)

 Administration stage by nurses

133 (42.35)

 Prescribing stage

117 (37.26)

 Administration stage by patient or care giver

86 (27.39)

 Transcribing stage

68 (21.66)

 Monitoring stage

36 (11.46)

 Dispensing stage

7 (2.23)

Prevention of MEs before they occur

Frequency (%)

 MEs not intercepted before they reach the patient

480 (97.75)

 MEs intercepted before they reach the patient

11 (2.25)

  1. ME medication error
  2. UoGCSH University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital