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Table 6 Experience in private community pharmacies

From: Assessing consumers’ perception and demand on the community pharmacists’ dispensing


Yes n (%)

No n (%)

I have never or rarely been to a private community pharmacy n (%)

There is always a pharmacist available

81 (36.5)

32 (14.4)

109 (49.1)

The pharmacists or staff asked me about my medication history, medical condition history, allergies, and symptoms before selling the medication

77 (34.7)

45 (20.3)

100 (45.0)

Are you aware of any services offered by private community pharmacies?

68 (30.6)

154 (69.4)

The pharmacist or staff tells me about the use, dosage, possible side effects, warnings, and other relevant information about the medicine before selling/dispensing it to me

98 (44.1)

26 (11.7)

98 (44.1)

The pharmacist or staff answer my queries well

108 (48.6)

15 (6.8)

99 (44.6)

The pharmacist spends enough time with me

85 (38.3)

32 (14.4)

105 (47.3)