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Table 3 Clinical medication review activities

From: The role of on-site pharmacist in residential aged care facilities: findings from the PiRACF study

Clinical medication review recommendations and outcomes

Count (% of total)

Number of PIMs identified and discussed with prescribers:

 Number of medication review identifying 1 PIM

310 (30.6)

 Number of medication review identifying 2 PIMs

123 (12.1)

 Number of medication review identifying 3 PIMs or more

66 (6.5)

 Not specified

379 (37.4)


878 (100%)

Recommendations related to PIMs accepted by prescribers

 Medication(s) deprescribed

249 (47.5)

 Decrease in dose recommended and accepted

89 (17.0)

 Alternative medication(s) recommended and accepted

24 (4.6)

 Not specified

162 (30.9)


524 (100%)

Recommendations made not related to PIMs


Recommendations not related to PIMs accepted by prescribers

 Medication(s) deprescribed

253 (55.5)

 Alternative medication(s) recommended and accepted

47 (10.3)

 Decrease in dose recommended and accepted

81 (17.8)

 Increase in dose recommended and accepted

45 (9.9)

 Change(s) in dosage form recommended and accepted

30 (6.6)


456 (100%)

Who pharmacists communicated with while conducting medication review


453 (43.8)

 RACF staff

306 (29.6)


75 (7.2)

 Staff at GP reception

54 (5.2)

 Residents’ family

49 (4.7)

 Community pharmacy

40 (3.9)

 Nurse practitioner

40 (3.9)


6 (0.6)


12 (1.2)



  1. PIM potentially inappropriate medicine