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Table 2 Medication deviation details from telephone-obtained best possible medication histories (n = 40/1104)

From: Obtaining medication histories via telepharmacy: an observational study

Medication details

Total, n (%)

Number of medications recorded, n

 Regular prescription medication, n (%)

654 (59.2)

 Regular non-prescription medication, n (%)

247 (22.4)

 When-required prescription medication, n (%)

45 (4.1)

 When-required non-prescription medication, n (%)

158 (14.3)


1104 (100)

Number of medication deviations, n

 Regular prescription medication, n (%)

12 (30)

 Regular non-prescription medication, n (%)

17 (42.5)

 When-required prescription medication, n (%)

2 (5)

 When-required non-prescription medication, n (%)

9 (22.5)


40 (100)

Medication deviation type, n

 Drug omission, n (%)

27 (67.5)

 Drug commission, n (%)

3 (7.5)

 Drug partial match, n (%)

10 (25)


40 (100)

Anatomical therapeutic chemical classification of medication deviations, n

 Alimentary tract and metabolism, n (%)

12 (30)

 Blood and blood forming organs, n (%)

2 (5)

 Cardiovascular system, n (%)

3 (7.5)

 Dermatologicals, n (%)

4 (10)

 Genito urinary system and sex hormones, n (%)

1 (2.5)

 Anti-infectives for systemic use, n (%)

3 (7.5)

 Nervous system, n (%)

7 (17.5)

 Respiratory system, n (%)

6 (15)

 Sensory organs, n (%)

2 (5)


40 (100)