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Table 4 Perception of community pharmacists towards antimicrobial stewardship

From: Awareness, practices and perceptions of community pharmacists towards antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship in Libya: a cross-sectional study


Frequency and percentage

Strongly disagree




Strongly agree

Perception towards AMS


 AMS will reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics in the community

1 (0.9)

5 (4.4)

30 (26.3)

40 (35.1)

38 (33.3)

 AMS will reduce the rate of antimicrobial resistance

1 (0.9)

5 (4.4)

28 (24.6)

43 (37.7)

37 (32.5)

 AMS activities are important in the hospital setting but are not important in the community setting

40 (35.1)

32 (28.1)

23 (20.2)

13 (11.4)

6 (5.3)

 Participation in AMS activities will boost public confidence in community pharmacy services

2 (1.8)

4 (3.5)

18 (15.8)

49 (43.0)

41 (36.0)

 Community pharmacists’ participation in AMS programme will promote collaboration with physicians

2 (1.8)

10 (8.8)

18 (15.8)

37 (32.5)

47 (41.2)

Barriers to involvement in AMS


 Lack of knowledge about antibiotic resistance hinders community pharmacists from participating in AMS activities

2 (1.8)

11 (9.6)

25 (21.9)

42 (36.8)

34 (29.8)

 Lack of cooperation from healthcare professionals prevents community pharmacists from participating in AMS activities

5 (4.4)

9 (7.9)

33 (28.9)

45 (39.5)

22 (19.3)

 Lack of access to patient’s records limits community pharmacists’ involvement in AMS programme

6 (5.3)

8 (7.0)

25 (21.9)

40 (35.1)

35 (30.7)

Strategy to improve appropriate antibiotic use in the community pharmacy


 Patient education by pharmacists in community pharmacies at the time medicines are supplied to patients

1 (0.9)

7 (6.1)

13 (11.4)

46 (40.4)

47 (41.2)

 Raising awareness of rational antibiotic use, including antimicrobial resistance, among the public through media, such as TV, radio, and social media

2 (1.8)

2 (1.8)

22 (19.3)

35 (30.7)

53 (46.5)

 Educational programs of rational antibiotic use, including antimicrobial resistance, directed at the public

2 (1.8)

6 (5.3)

30 (26.3)

33 (28.9)

43 (37.7)

 Raising awareness of rational antibiotic use, including antimicrobial resistance, among community pharmacists

2 (1.8)

6 (5.3)

20 (17.5)

37 (32.5)

49 (43.0)

 Raising awareness of rational antibiotic use, including antimicrobial resistance, among pharmacy students

2 (1.8)

3 (2.6)

14 (12.3)

37 (32.5)

58 (50.9)

 Providing regularly updated clinical practice guidelines to community pharmacies on the treatment of infectious diseases

3 (2.6)

9 (7.9)

12 (10.5)

47 (41.2)

43 (37.3)

 Reclassification of all antibiotics as prescription-only

3 (2.6)

5 (4.4)

21 (18.4)

33 (28.9)

52 (45.6)

 Enforcement of regulations which prohibit supply of antibiotics from non-pharmacies, and by non-pharmacists

2 (1.8)

9 (7.9)

13 (11.4)

38 (33.3)

52 (45.6)

 Motivation of community pharmacists to be involved in antibiotic use campaigns through providing monetary incentives

1 (0.9)

7 (6.1)

21 (18.4)

48 (42.1)

37 (32.5)