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Table 4 Actions recommended to improve the cancer treatment prescription and administration process

From: Using Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis to improve safety in the cancer treatment prescription and administration process

Process phase

Recommended actions

Nominal therapy prescription

Verbally request that patients confirm their personal details, weight/height, and the name of their medication

System flag required for changes to the mode of administration for a given treatment (compared with standard procedure). System flag for therapies requiring a CVC

Pharmacist should check mode of administration and dosage when different from standard procedure before validating a therapy

Confirming therapy (from second administration onwards)

System warning in event of abnormal exam values being input

Method (e.g., boxes to tick) for checking that specific blood tests required by the treatment plan have been performed

Mandatory check (e.g., boxes to tick) on whether any adverse reactions occurred after the previous administration

System warning in event of no ancillary therapy or premedication. Therapy confirmation check list

Transportations of drugs

Medications must be transported in a closed, leak-proof plastic bag and be carried in a rigid, shock-resistant, leak-proof container. If drugs are not administered immediately, they should be stored at room temperature or refrigerated to avoid deterioration

Validating therapy

Automated system warnings in event of any deviations from the protocol envisaged in the treatment plan

Checking therapy prior to administration

Barcode cross-check on bags, labels and medical records (therapy prescribed / therapy prepared)