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Table 1 Literature review related to the pharmacy in Lebanon

From: Pharmacy education and workforce: strategic recommendations based on expert consensus in Lebanon




Initial education

Core competencies initial suggestion


Core competencies framework validation


Core competencies assessment


Preceptors’ skills and competencies framework


Specialized competencies suggestion


Interprofessional education experience and suggestions


Computer literacy scale validation among pharmacists


Continuing education (CE)

Continuing education assessment


Continuing education preference

[58, 59]

Continuing education value and motivation


Job market and workforce situation

Workforce oversupply and future projections


Mismatch between education and labor market


Governance solutions for workforce problems


Pharmacy specialties recognition (credentialing)


Early career training in Lebanon and benchmarking towards the FIP Global Competency Framework


Empathy towards patients among pharmacists


Quality of life of pharmacists


Burnout among community pharmacists

[67, 68]

Financial situation analysis of pharmacists


Community pharmacists’ readiness for COVID-19


Physical Health of pharmacists


Unapproved suggested laws and decisions

Legal documents suggestions by the Lebanese Order of Pharmacists: Clinical pharmacy law; Numerus clausus law, Pharmacy education prolongation, credentials recognition and Early career training


Licensure assessment improvement (colloquium)


Experiential education organization


Ready-to-apply educational project

Standards for pharmacy education accreditation & Guidance for pharmacy programs accreditation



Good Pharmacy Practice standards suggestion


Good Pharmacy Practice assessment


Medication safety assessment


Electronic patient profile suggestion


Pharmacist–physician collaborative care


Societal perspective of pharmacy


Primary health care and community pharmacy


Primary care vision for pharmacists


Seeking care from pharmacists



Researcher pharmacists’ competencies


Role of a professional organization in research
