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Table 4 Examples of MAEs, according to the most frequent categories

From: Observational study on medication administration errors at a University Hospital in Brazil: incidence, nature and associated factors

Type of MAE


Technique error

Vancomycin (1 g) was prescribed to be given for 2 h by intravenous infusion and was administered for 40 min

Time error

Clonidine (0.2 mg) was prescribed for 8:00 pm and was administered at 9:10 pm

Error of omission

4 IU of regular insulin was prescribed for HGT = 190–250. The patient had HGT = 191

Dose error

Atenolol (50 mg) was prescribed and a dose of 25 mg was administered

Error of non-prescribed dose

Codeine (30 mg, without association) was prescribed and codeine (30 mg) + paracetamol (500 mg) was administered

Route error

Oral metoclopramide (10 mg) was prescribed and intravenous metoclopramide (10 mg) was administered

  1. University Hospital Edgard Santos, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. September 2019