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Table 1 Key measures

From: Effects of additional context information in prescription drug information sheets on comprehension and risk and efficacy perceptions



Answer options


The comprehension measures reflected information retrieval, primarily whether participants could locate and understand the information in the handouts. We assessed three issues related to the information in the handout on the drug: (a) side effects; (b) uses; and (c) warnings/topics to discuss with a doctor before taking Rheutopia. and developed subscale scores by counting the number of correct items for each of the side effects, uses and warnings question subsets

We included both true/false questions (e.g., “According to the patient information sheet, people who take Rheutopia can develop dry skin”) and multiple-response questions (e.g., “Please check all the possible Rheutopia side effects mentioned in the handout”). We coded responses as correct or incorrect. The comprehension score is the % of correct answers


Application questions reflected the participants’ ability to use the information in the handouts to respond to three hypothetical scenarios (e.g., “Jack missed his dose of Rheutopia. According to the patient information sheet, what should Jack do?”)

We coded responses as either correct or incorrect; the application score is the percentage of correct answers

Perceived clarity

The information about the risks of Rheutopia in the patient information sheet is…

The information about the uses of Rheutopia in the patient information sheet is…

1 = not at all clear

5 = very clear

(two items were averaged)

Perceived ease of understanding

The information about the risks of Rheutopia in the patient information sheet is…

The information about the uses of Rheutopia in the patient information sheet is…

1 = easy to understand, 5 = hard to understand

(reverse coded; two items averaged)

Comprehension confidence

How confident are you that you can understand the information on this sheet?

1 = not at all confident, 5 = very confident

Risk likelihood

If 100 people take Rheutopia, how many people will have any side effects?

Response options ranged from 0 to 100

Efficacy likelihood

… [for] how many people will Rheutopia improve symptoms of RA?

Response options ranged from 0 to 100

Perceived risk magnitude

If Rheutopia did cause a person to have side effects, how serious would they be?

1 = not serious at all, 5 = very serious

Efficacy magnitude

How much do you think Rheutopia is going to help the average person’s Rheumatoid arthritis?

1 = would help RA very little, 5 = would help RA a lot)

Subjective health literacy (average of 3 items from the European health literacy scale)

On a scale from very easy to very difficult, how easy would you say it is to: understand your doctor’s or pharmacist’s instruction on how to take a prescribed medicine?; follow instructions from your doctor or pharmacist?; understand the information that comes with your medicine?

1 = very easy, 4 = very difficult 5 = don’t know. (reverse coded) Mean = 3.42 (SD = 0.56), out of 4

Perceived illness knowledge

In general, how much would you say you know about [CONDITION]? Would you say you know:

1 = nothing at all, 5 = a lot. The mean illness knowledge score was 3.63 (SD = 0.98) out of 5