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Table 3 Current antibiotic treatment recommendations for CDI [1, 5, 10, 12]

From: Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection in community teaching hospital: a retrospective study


IDSA (2010)

ACG (2013)

ESCMID (2014)

WDMH (2017)

Initial episode of CDI


Metronidazole 500 mg po q8h × 10–14 days

Metronidazole 500 mg po q8h × 10 days

(If no improvement in 5–7 days, consider change to severe CDI treatment)

Metronidazole 500 mg po q8h × 10 days

Metronidazole 500 mg po q8h × 10–14 days (If no improvement in 5 days or clinical worsening, change to CDI severe treatment)


Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10–14 days

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10 days

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10 days

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10–14 days (If no response or symptoms worsening, consult Internal Medicine)

Severe and complicated

Vancomycin 500 mg po q6h and metronidazole 500 mg iv q8h and (If ileus present: add vancomycin

500 mg in 100 mL

NS pr q6h)

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h, 500 mg in 500 mL saline as enema pr q6h and metronidazole 500 mg iv q8h

Vancomycin 125–500 mg po q6h and metronidazole 500 mg iv q8h

(Consider vancomycin pr or immunoglobulin


1st recurrent episode of CDI

Same treatment as initial episode of CDI

Repeat metronidazole or vancomycin pulse regimen

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10 days

Same treatment as initial episode of CDI

2nd recurrent episode of CDI

Vancomycin in a tapered and/or

Fecal transplant combined with oral antibiotic

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10–14 days


pulsed regimen



(Consider consulting Internal Medicine and a vancomycin tapering regimen or pulsed regimen

i.e. vancomycin 125 mg po qid × 7 days, then 125 mg po bid × 7 days, then 125 mg po daily × 7 days, then 125 mg po q2d × 7 days then 125 mg po q3d × 14 days then discontinue)

Pregnant or patients intolerant to metronidazole

No recommendations

Vancomycin 125 mg po q6h × 10 days

No recommendations

Same treatment as severe CDI

  1. First-line antibiotic regimens recommended by current international guidelines in comparison to WMDH guidelines