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Table 1 Overview of antibiotic prescribing among patients with vaginal delivery and cesarean section (N = 1077)

From: Antibiotic prescribing in women during and after delivery in a non-teaching, tertiary care hospital in Ujjain, India: a prospective cross-sectional study





Vaginal Delivery 566(%)

Cesarean Section 511(%)

Total antibiotic prescriptions*a


491 (87)

503 (98)

Prescribed antibiotics after discharge b


160 (28)

141 (28)

Age b



99 (17)

66 (13)



429 (76)

401 (78)


> = 31

38 (7)

44 (9)

Place of Residence b


Ujjain city

269 (48)

270 (53)


Nearby city

90 (16)

67 (13)


Villages of Ujjain district

81 (14)

60 (12)


Other districts

50 (9)

53 (10)


Cities of the nearby district

32 (6)

25 (5)


Villages of other districts

44 (8)

36 (7)

Days of hospital stay +a



323 (57)

29 (6)



192 (34)

175 (34)



51 (9)

307 (60)

Days on antibiotics** a


3.1 ± 1.74

6.0 ± 2.52

  1. * number and percentages; Chi-Square test. **mean and standard deviations; Kruskal-Wallis equality-of-populations rank test. aP-value < 0.05. bP-value > 0.05.+Fisher’s exact test.