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Table 1 Stage One Survey

From: Implementing a clozapine supply service in Australian community pharmacies: barriers and facilitators

Demographic questions

Pharmacy name and participant role (owner, manager or other)

Do you provide other professional services in your pharmacy? (Tick all that apply)


 Home medicines review (HMR)

 Residential medication management review (RMMR)

 MedsCheck and/or Diabetes MedsCheck

 Diabetes screening trial (as part of the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement)

 Dose administration aids

 Aboriginal health services

 Opioid substitution therapy (OST)

 Harm reduction (sharps/needle care)

 Pain management

 Other (please specify)

Do you currently provide a clozapine supply service? Yes or No

Questions for providers (Yes)

Questions for non-providers (No)

How long have you been supplying clozapine?

<  6 months; 6 months–1 year; 1–2 years; 2 + years

Have you been approached by a consumer requesting clozapine supply?

Yes or No

How many consumers do you supply clozapine to?

Nil; 1–5; 6–10; 11–15; 16+

Have you ever considered providing a clozapine supply service?

Yes or No

Did you undertake training to supply clozapine?

No - would you like training, if so what?

Yes - please specify

How do clozapine consumers get referred to your pharmacy?

What influenced your decision to provide a clozapine supply service? (select all that apply)


-Access to education/training

-Pharmacists knowledge of clozapine and clozapine monitoring systems

-Relationship with prescribers

-Consumer demand for supply

-Pharmacist confidence in ability to supply clozapine

-Access to consumer notes

-Adequate space & resources

-Other (please specify)

What factors influenced your decision not to provide a clozapine service? (select all that apply)

-Limited financial return

-Lack of time

-Lack of access to training

-Increased resource requirements

-Lack of external support/assistance

-Clozapine has difficult supply arrangements

-Do not believe clozapine should be supplied in the community

-Lack of a need to provide service

-Difficulties in communication with prescribers

-Poor communication about regulatory changes

-Limited knowledge of clozapine monitoring requirements

-Other (please specify)

Are you interested in discussing this further in a 15–20 min telephone interview?

Yes or No