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Table 1 Overview of codes, sub-themes and overarching themes

From: Prescription medicine sharing: exploring patients’ beliefs and experiences

Codes (specific categories)

Code description


Overarching theme

Pain, asthma and sleep medications, antibiotics, and so forth.

Classes of medicines shared by participants


Types of shared medicines

Avoid doctor visit

Sharing avoids the need to visit a doctor

Saves time and money

Perceived benefits of sharing medicines

Avoid hidden costs

Sharing avoid taking time off work or avoid inconveniencing work – avoids hidden cost

To avoid waste

To avoid buying a packet when only need one dose or might not work


Sharing is more convenient, the medicines are readily available, no need to visit a GP


Sharing when someone is in great need of the medication or during emergency

To try the medicine

To see if the medicine works before obtaining a personal supply

Misplacing medicines

Misplacing own medicines and temporarily sharing other’s medicines

Common minor condition

Sharing medicines when the patient perceives that the medical condition is minor

Caring relationship

Sharing is a means of supporting each other during illness – caring relationship

Social support

Inappropriate dose/wrong medicines

Person takes inappropriate doses or wrong medicines

Unsafe and ineffective treatment

Negative experience from shared medicines

Adverse drug events

Sharing might result in unanticipated side effects, drug interactions, allergy or contraindications

Expired medicines might be shared

Expired medicines might be shared

Risk of killing/harming

Sharing may have a risk of killing or harming a person

Topical medicines are weaker than orally ingested medicines

Sharing topical medicines is not as risky as sharing pills – can be removed by washing

Loss of medication instruction

Lack of information – e.g. borrower does not have information on risks, adverse outcomes, etc.

Medical condition get worse

Sharing complicates simple medical conditions by delaying diagnosis and treatment


Sharing based on misdiagnosis could be dangerous


Sharing medicines (e.g., inhalers) is unhygienic

Public health risk

Antimicrobial resistance

Sharing might increase drug resistance

Spread infection

Sharing creams/ointments might spread the disease – cross infection

Affects social relationship

Sharing addictive medicines may affect one's personal relationship with others

Risk of drug dependence


Sharing might result in drug dependence

To help a friend or family

Sharing to help out others or to make someone feel better – caring relationship


Factors influencing medicine sharing

Ran out

Ran out of previously prescribed medicines


Sharing saves doctor's fee, prescription charges, or cost of unsubsidised medicines

Limited access to medicines/health services


Sharing when difficult to access medicines – for example prescription restriction and when pharmacy or doctors are inaccessible or where there is no nearby health facility

Waiting times

Sharing medicines to avoid long appointment or waiting time at GP surgeries

‘After hours’

Sharing for pain occurring late at night or over the weekend – when a regular GP is not accessible


Sharing medicine during family trip, holiday trips or when traveling overseas


Someone forgets to carry around their own medicines

Leftover medicines

Having leftovers/unused medicines creates opportunity for sharing

Leftover medicines

Lack of information about safe disposal

Not knowing what to do with leftover or unused medicines

HCPs not mentioning not to share

When patients do not receive information from health care providers about the risk of sharing

Cultural influence

Cultural beliefs, family values and customs may influence medicine sharing

Sociocultural factors


Embarrassment about seeing a doctor or embarrassed to carry around own medicines


TV ads or the Internet encourages self-diagnosis and sharing medicines

Familiarity with the medical condition or the medicine

Familiarity with the medical condition or the medicine– facilitates sharing

Experience of, and knowledge about illness and its treatment

Risk assessment strategy

Complex medical condition

If the condition is complex – deterrent

Uniqueness of medication for the person

Medicines meant for a specific condition are less likely to be shared

Unaware of risk

Unaware of risk of sharing – facilitator

Perception of efficacy

Assuming if the medicine worked for the lender it will do the same for the borrower

Perceived danger of medicine

Concern about side effects – deterrent

Borrower’s responsibility

Borrower decides and accepts responsibility for consequences

Borrower’s responsibility

Same symptoms

Having the same symptoms facilitates sharing

Symptoms matching

Same medicines

Attitude that taking similar medication as the other person might not have a negative effect on one’s health

  1. NA not applicable