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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of the studied population (n = 174)

From: Adherence to treatment and harmful effects of medication shortages in the context of severe crises: scale validation and correlates


N (%)




72 (41.4)


102 (58.6)

Marital status


 Non-married (single, widow, divorced)

93 (53.4)


81 (46.6)

Monthly income


 Low income (0 to 1,500,000LBP)

62 (35.6)

 High income (> 1,500,000LBP)

112 (64.4)

Type of chronic disease


 Not specified

131 (75.3)

 Heart disease

12 (6.9)


6 (3.4)


7 (4.1)

 Lung disease

6 (3.4)

 Autoimmune disease

4 (2.3)

 Other diseases

8 (4.6)


Mean (SD)

Age (years)

36.28 (13.5)

Household crowding index (persons/room)

1.37 (0.82)

Number of medications taken daily (if chronic disease)

1.96 (1.45)

Number of visited pharmacies to find the needed medications

4.76 (4.24)

Lebanese Medication Adherence Scale (LMAS)

9.16 (5.78)

The Harmful Impact of Medication Shortage (HIMS) scale

7.16 (6.16)