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Table 1 Participant characteristics (n = 411)

From: Medication-related problems identified by community pharmacists: a descriptive case study of two Australian populations


IMeRSea (n = 255)

n (%)

PharMIbridgeb (n = 156)

n (%)

Age, years, mean (SD)

60.0 (11.7)

48.1 (12.6)

Age group in years


 < 45

21 (8.2)

62 (39.7)


58 (22.8)

44 (28.2)


83 (32.6)

37 (23.7)


66 (25.9)

10 (6.4)

 ≥ 75

27 (10.6)

3 (1.9)




95 (37.3)

69 (44.2)


160 (62.8)

85 (54.5)

 Not specified

2 (1.3)

Cultural identity



236 (92.5)

8 (5.1)

 Torres Strait Islander

2 (0.8)


5 (2.0)


137 (87.8)

 Not specified

12 (4.7)

11 (7.1)




59 (23.1)

87 (55.8)


196 (76.9)

69 (44.2)

Self-reported general health



10 (4.1)

3 (1.9)

 Very good

44 (18.1)

27 (17.4)


112 (46.1)

66 (42.6)


59 (24.3)

40 (25.8)


18 (7.4)

19 (12.3)

 Number of self-reported chronic conditions, median (IQR)

6 (4)

1 (3)d

 Number of medications, median (IQR)

7 (6)

6 (4)

  1. aNumber of participants who received a Medicines Talk service
  2. bNumber of participants who received a PharMIbridge initial intervention service (Initial Health Review)
  3. cIn the IMeRSe feasibility study, location was classified using the Pharmacy Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia 2018–2019 [50]; in the PharMIbridge RCT, location was classified using the Modified Monash Model [51]
  4. dExcludes mental illnesses