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Table 4 The items of “understandability” and “actionability” of the patient education material

From: Development and validation of a pharmacist-led education model in allergic rhinitis management: a multi-phase study


n = 79 n (%)



The material makes its purpose completely evident

78 (98.7)

 Word choice and style

The material uses common, everyday language

79 (100)

Medical terms are used only to familiarize audience with the terms. When used, medical terms are defined

77 (97.5)


The material uses the active voice

79 (100)

The material breaks or “chunks” information into short sections

79 (100)

The material’s sections have informative headers

78 (98.7)

The material presents information in a logical sequence

79 (100)

The material provides a summary

78 (98.7)

 Layout and design

Text on the screen is easy to read

79 (100)

The material allows the user to hear the words clearly (e.g., not too fast, not garbled)

71 (89.9)

 Use of visual aids

The material uses illustrations and photographs that are clear and uncluttered

79 (100)


 The material clearly identifies at least one action the user can take

79 (100)

 The material addresses the user directly when describing actions

79 (100)

 The material breaks down any action into manageable, explicit steps

79 (100)

 The material explains how to use the charts, graphs, tables, or diagrams to take actions

79 (100)