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Table 2 List of emerging themes and sub-themes

From: A qualitative assessment of the adverse effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines: a study from Jordan

Domain of questions

Main theme


COVID-19 vaccines safety

COVID-19 vaccines are generally safe to be taken

COVID-19 vaccines were recommended by news, social media, and doctors

Vaccines are associated with well-tolerated side effects

Differences between COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are not equivalent in their safety

Safety is based on the manufacturer company

Safety is based on the mechanism of action

Prevention and management of COVID-19 vaccines’ side effects

Follow preventive measure to decrease the possibility of experiencing side effects

Test for COVID-19 before taking the vaccines

Avoid taking the COVID-19 vaccine while having any other infection

Follow safety measures after taking the COVID-19 vaccine

Consume vitamins, healthy food, and perform physical activity to increase the immunity

Willingness to report COVID-19 vaccines’ adverse effects

Reporting is dependent on the experienced side effects

Willingness to report severe and aggressive side effects

Willingness to report unknown side effects

Willingness to report long lasting side effects

Willingness to take the vaccine regularly in the future

Hesitancy to take more than one type of vaccine

Preferring a previously used vaccine

The lack of awareness about using different types of vaccine

Willingness to receive the vaccine annually