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Table 3 Knowledge of pharmacists towards PV and ADRs reporting (n = 342)

From: A national survey of knowledge, attitude, practice, and barriers towards pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting among hospital pharmacy practitioners in the United Arab Emirates

Knowledge questions


n (%)


n (%)

1. What is the best definition of Pharmacovigilance (PV)?

319 (93.3)

23 (6.7)

2. Which of the following defines an adverse drug reaction (ADR) correctly?

297 (86.8)

45 (13.2)

3. The need for hospitalization is required as early as the appearance of:

104 (30.4)

238 (69.6)

4. Seventy-year-old man is taking amiodarone for cardiac arrhythmia and he developed heart block as a side effect. Which of the following matches the type of adverse drug reaction in this patient?

154 (45)

188 (55)

5. Fifteen-year-old boy was given injection of Benzylpenicillin for rheumatic heart disease prophylaxis and developed anaphylaxis as a side effect. Which of the following matches the type of adverse drug reaction in this patient?

206 (60.2)

136 (39.8)

6. A side effect is classified as acute, when it is occurred:

105 (30.7)

237 (69.3)

7. The international center for adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring is located in:

134 (39.2)

208 (60.8)

8. Which of the following tool is most commonly used to establish the causality of an adverse drug reaction (ADR)?

221 (64.6)

121 (35.4)

9. Which of the following is the “WHO online databases” for reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs)?

151 (44.2)

191 (55.8)